Pietro Valocchi

Business analysis


Project management



Pietro Valocchi

Business analysis


Project management




  • Reshaping online learning in a Wiki playground

    Bobcatsss 2019 · Jan 22, 2019
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    Technology is a pathway to diversify e-learning methodologies, with different platforms able to match different learning styles. An innovative approach to engage participants in achieving their learning objectives is to reverse the online approach, making the information flowing from the students to the network instead of from the network to the students.
    Wikipedia and all the other Wikimedia platforms provide opportunities to mix and match different virtual learning environments, with students of different disciplines cooperating on a common topic with different contributions. According to literature, a drivers to boost participants’ motivation is to involve them in a Communities of Practice for E- learning.
    In this context, the paper aims to describe preliminary findings of a case study built on the basis of trials in innovative learning adopting Wiki platforms. The project was conducted in Abruzzo, a region in the center of Italy, at the University of Teramo by its European Documentation centre, in collaboration with Wikimedia Abruzzo, the newborn local governance of Wikimedia Italia.
    The methodology applied was both quantitative and qualitative: quantitative using questionnaires to verify the students’ competences, and qualitative by means of focus groups and observation. The case study was an online touristic cultural heritage map for a town in Abruzzo using shareable hypertext and media contents; the didactic goal was to improve information literacy and digital competences.
    In this framework, a support from local GLAMs professionals and scholars, was fundamental in order to collect information about sources to be used by the students.

  • LAN Connectivity between North and South America

    2014 Internet2 Global Summit · Apr 8, 2014
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    AtlanticWave + Americas Lightpaths: Enhancing Research Connectivity between North and South America with Open Lightpath Exchanges and 100G Waves.

  • Qualità e standard nei servizi di E-Learning

    Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale · Jan 1, 2000
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    Lettera ASFOR, gennaio-giugno 2000 pp.16-20
    La qualità nell’E-Learning: standard di prodotto e di processo. La certificazione ISO 9001 della formazione. Gli standard per la produzione del courseware (NIST Learning Object Working Group). La pubblicazione del courseware e l’erogazione della formazione online (Dublin Core, ARIADNE, IMS).

  • Integrating learning evaluation tools in Web based education

    International Association for Continuing Engineering Education - Proceedings of the 7th World conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Turin, May 10-13 1998 · Jan 1, 1998

    Information and Communication Technologies are enabling the realization of innovative learning environments for training and continuing education, without the time and space constraints of traditional classroom based systems. The most interesting approaches to distance education are based on World Wide Web technologies, that allow a platform independent delivery of courseware either off-line and over the public Internet or over private Intranets.
    In this framework, implementing evaluation tools is a key factor either to support learning processes and to give the companies means to evaluate investments in distance learning activity.

  • An Objective Test for Speech Codecs

    IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement · Aug 1, 1997
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    Vol.46, N.4 August 1997 pp.831-835.
    One of the most difficult issues regarding speech codec design and evaluation is the analysis of the reproduced sound quality. Standard measurements [such as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)] aren't adequate to make an accurate comparison between different codecs due to the masking phenomena of the human ear. The aim of this paper is to propose a simple objective test for the measurement of the coding distortion in analysis-by-synthesis codecs.Vol.46, N.4 August 1997 pp.831-835. 

  • Computer-Based Methodologies for Learning Evaluation

    8th EAEEIE Annual Conference - Innovation and Quality in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering · Jun 4, 1997
    Technologies are opening new opportunities for the realisation of innovative learning environments that break the time and space barriers of traditional systems, and allow the delivery of courseware best fitted to the learner specific needs, even in residential activities (complementary material, self evaluation, ...). The paper presents methodologies to evaluate learning goals in terms of knowledge, skills and behaviours, taking advantage of computer based technologies for on-site and on-line interaction. The evaluation should be performed before, during and after the education process, in order to acquire information to timely adopt the most appropriate training methodologies.

  • The measurement of audio-codec sound quality

    Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1996. IEEE · Jun 4, 1996
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    One of the most difficult issues about audio-codec design and evaluation is the analysis of the reproduced sound quality. Standard measurements (such as the signal-to-noise ratio) aren't adequate to make an accurate comparison between different codecs due to the masking phenomena of the human ear. The aim of this paper is to propose a simple objective test for the measurement of the coding distortion in analysis-by-synthesis codecs.

  • Codifica numerica del segnale audio

    SSGRR · Jan 1, 1996SSGRR · Jan 1, 1996
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    - Il segnale audio: trasmissione del segnale audio, caratteristiche dell'apparato uditivo, caratteristiche dell'apparato vocale, trasduzione elettroacustica, il canale audio e telefonico;
    - Rappresentazione numerica dei segnali: conversione A/D-D/A e codifica PCM lineare;
    - Codifica di sorgente: Rate-Distorsion Function, codifica entropica, codifica di sorgente adattativa, quantizzazione vettoriale;
    - Codifica numerica di forma d'onda senza memoria: compressione per quantizzazione non uniforme, quantizzazione ottima non uniforme, codifica PCM logaritmica;
    - Codifica numerica di forma d'onda con memoria: quantizzazione adattativa, quantizzazione differenziale, codifica ADPCM, sagomatura dello spettro d'errore, modulazione delta, predizione a lungo termine e APC;
    - Codifica per modelli: codifica per modelli nel dominio della frequenza nel tempo, Linear Predictive Coding, codifica RPE (ETSI GSM 06.10), codifica multipulse, codifica CELP (ITU-T G.729), codifica a velocità variabile, tecnica PWI;
    - Codifica nel dominio della frequenza: codifica per sottobande (ITU-T G.722, PASC, ISO/MPEG-1/ Audio Layer I & II), codifica per trasformate (ASPEC, ISO/MPEG-1/ Audio Layer III, ATRAC).- Il segnale audio: trasmissione del segnale audio, caratteristiche dell'apparato uditivo, caratteristiche dell'apparato vocale, trasduzione elettroacustica, il canale audio e telefonico; - Rappresentazione numerica dei segnali: conversione A/D-D/A e codifica PCM lineare; - Codifica di sorgente: Rate-Distorsion Function, codifica entropica, codifica di sorgente adattativa, quantizzazione vettoriale; - Codifica numerica di forma d'onda senza memoria: compressione per quantizzazione non uniforme, quantizzazione ottima non uniforme, codifica PCM logaritmica; - Codifica numerica di forma d'onda con memoria: quantizzazione adattativa, quantizzazione differenziale, codifica ADPCM, sagomatura dello spettro d'errore, modulazione delta, predizione a lungo termine e APC; - Codifica per modelli: codifica per modelli nel dominio della frequenza nel tempo, Linear Predictive Coding, codifica RPE (ETSI GSM 06.10), codifica multipulse, codifica CELP (ITU-T G.729), codifica a velocità variabile, tecnica PWI; - Codifica nel dominio della frequenza: codifica per sottobande (ITU-T G.722, PASC, ISO/MPEG-1/ Audio Layer I & II), codifica per trasformate (ASPEC, ISO/MPEG-1/ Audio Layer III, ATRAC).

  • Secure communications in an end-to-end multimedia application

    National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) – Telecommunications Project (Progetto Finalizzato Telecomunicazioni) - 3rd CNR Seminar - Broadband communication networks and services, Rome, March 3-4 1993 pp.123-129 · Mar 3, 1993
    This paper addresses the problem of secure communications between ATM multimedia terminals. After a step by step reasoning on the constraints of real time multimedia applications, a solution is given based on a synchronous stream cipher whose architecture will be fully described. The last part is devoted to the system level integration of the encryption unit and to the prototype description.

  • A Stream Cipher for ATM Multimedia Terminals

    European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) - Proceedings of the 1st COST Action 229 (Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Telecommunications) WG.3 (Intelligent Terminals) Workshop, L'Aquila, April 22–24, 1992, pp. 191–199 · Apr 22, 1992
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    This paper addresses the problem of secure communications between ATM multimedia terminals. After a step by step reasoning on the constraints of real time multimedia applications, a solution is given based on a synchronous stream cipher whose architecture will be fully described. The last part is devoted to the system level integration of the encryption unit and to the prototype description.

  • La sicurezza delle comunicazioni nei sistemi distribuiti

    Informatica Oggi & Unix, Luglio-Agosto 1992 pp.82-87 · Jan 1, 1992
    Sviluppi congiunti di tecnologie elettroniche, tecniche informatiche e telecomunicazioni hanno provocato nel recente passato un rapido mutamento dell'architettura dei sistemi di elaborazione accelerando la migrazione da soluzioni centralizzate a soluzioni distribuite. L'architettura a stella basata sul singolo mainframe, fisicamente isolato, è stata sostituita da architetture multicomputer nelle quali molti ed eterogenei elaboratori, distribuiti sul territorio, interagiscono tramite reti locali e geografiche. I vantaggi di flessibilità e prestazioni di un siffatto sistema sono molti e attualmente irrinunciabili. Prendendo atto di quanto avvenuto, senza ulteriormente giustificarlo, nel presente lavoro si descrivono i problemi di sicurezza (e le possibili soluzioni) che sorgono in un sistema dai confini incerti, non più proteggibile solo a livello fisico.