Pietro Valocchi

Business analysis


Project management



Pietro Valocchi

Business analysis


Project management



About Me

Hello! I’m Pietro Valocchi,

manager with over 20 years of experience in the international ICT industry, with responsibilities in corporate governance, planning and management of communications infrastructures and services for international wholesale and enterprise customers.

The main activities I carried out are data analysis for economic and performance evaluations, coordination of international teams, program and project management of business and transformation activities, material requirements planning, QoS monitoring and vendor rating.

Other fields of interest, coming from my previous experiences in Web services and E-Learning, are Web publishing and analytics. I’m still active in this field as Wikimedia volunteer in the areas of Cultural Heritage, Semantic Web and Linked Open Data.

I’m author of a book and several papers for international journals and conferences.

  • Skills: Business analysis, Planning, Project management, ICT, E-learning
  • Residence: Italy
  • Freelance: Available
  • Address: L'Aquila


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